Saturday, January 12, 2008

Current Etsy Favorites (Edition III)

I am at a loss for post ideas, so let's dip into my Etsy favorites, shall we?

This one just arrived in my mailbox, courtesy of Elegant Musings for $17. (Casey, the artist, also happens to keep a blog that is much more entertaining and frequently posted upon than my own, here.) This print is called "Heartstrings" and is ever so pleasing to look at. The intricacy of the drawing is exquisite, especially in the lady's dress. They seem such a shy couple, don't they?

These little bobby pins can be purchased from Foundling for $6 apiece. There is something irresistably romantic to me about fabric flowers as adornments for one's coiffure, and I particularly like this modern, simplistic take on the idea. I think these ruby-red ones would look especially striking, while the yellow, white, and pink varieties also available in the shop might provide an equally delightful but rather subtler contrast, especially to those with lighter hair. If you like the flower but are not fond of hair things, these come in the form of brooches as well.

I am in love with Etsy seller A Fanciful Twist's mixed-media dancers. This original, entitled "The Bird Girl Escapes" is available in her shop as I type this for $325, although surely is will be snapped up soon. I am sorely, sorely tempted to buy this myself, but I haven't enough money to spare, and so must be contented with prints. (I recieved one for Christmas, and I can vouch for their high quality- they are printed on canvas, even.) The newspaper skirts, the swirls of flowy hair, the unreal dust colors the artist uses, it all just makes you wish you lived in a dream, doesn't it?

This pretty little necklace is from Paper and Glue for $22. I love the pale vanilla icecream colors of buttons that have been used, and how the size of buttons gradates down from the big stripey one in the middle to the teensy tiny ones at the clasp. The shop is full of necklaces like this in several other color schemes, all of them completely original, and just as adorable as this one.

In other Etsy-related news, I might just be starting my own silly little store in the nearish future. I only recently registered as a seller, and I am still tinkering with the things to be sold, so don't expect anything too soon... but, for those of you who are interested, keep your eyeballs open.



Anonymous said...

Those are some great finds! I love Elegant Musings, it was one of the first blogs I ever read!

Blaze said...

Oh I just love Casey's valentine's print!!! It's sooo beautiful! I will have to get it before Feb 14th! :)

mushroommeadows said...

Ohhhh great showcase. :) By the way, you're going to open a shop??? How fun! :D

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

All those are such nice/soft/romantic picks.

AFitz said...

I like the button necklace and the bobby pins. Very cute.

Isabel said...

Wow, that is some pretty art right there.

Anonymous said...

I *love* Casey's stuff.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

Such pretty art...good luck with the shop!