Friday, February 02, 2007

Jumping on the Hiatus Train!

I've just started the Spring semester, so things have been more than a little hectic. I've also been working on writing a short story that will serve as my application the literary School of the Arts, at which I may be able to get a halfway-decent education in writing, something that has thus far eluded me. On top of this, I am trying to finish this top I've been working on, and my crappy $80 machine refuses to cooperate. So, what with schlepping around five different books for French, trying to scrape up some "inspiration", and searching for my spare needle, my life has been quite hectic, and probably will be for another week or so. This blog is going to have to fall by the wayside... sorry, sorry. I'll be back, promise! In the meantime, by popular demand, here's some Bale.

And, my personal favorite....



S. said...

Good luck with all your work ahead!

Did you know Christian was a child actor? He was superb in Empire of the Sun!

a said...

DUDE, christian bale= my future husband. i am so in love with him.

holly said...

omg christian is so cute

Carissa Duhamel said...

Good luck and return soon!

Emma said...

AAAH??? see where you're coming from, i recently did the same thing (blog hiatus-wise).bt well miss you. CHRISTIAN IS A SEXY MOFO i justpt him on my hot list.

alluretone said...

sewing machines can be so frustrating sometimes. i've been working on this skirt and it's taking me quite a while also. christian bale is quite attractive.


Christian Bale makes me crazy.

and I'm a straight male.

good luck with school.