Monday, May 14, 2007

Christian Bale:

I thought I'd just remind everybody just how hot he is. You know, in case you have forgotten or something.



Tru said...

such a steamy pictures...he is such a hottie. hell he was even a hottie when he was in Newsies, lol if you haven't seen the movie you should its great

Emma said...

HE IS MY MAN. I mean, like, I want him with a disturbing passion.
Why don't boys look like that in these here parts?

Emily said...

WOW he is so hot

Meg said...

I can't think of Christian Bale in the same way since I saw American Psycho and the scene with him filming the sex part...but he's pretty hot...for a psycho.

S. said...

Not just a pretty face, talented too.

my empty closet said...

hey thanks for the comment! i like ur blog a you want to trade links ?

Brittany said...

just like all of these girls, i love him!

Model Citzen said...

um, hello he is like my all time obsession du jour!

Alison said...

i just stared at that picture for like 5 minutes
o gawd he is hot!
he makes me realize how un-hot all the boys are here.

-ciao bella- said...

wow he's hot. what movies has he been in again (i recognize the name...)?

Hannah Danger said...

I most def just watched Batman again today. =]